In-Season Training Programs 2025

Continue to improve through-out the season; we look forward to providing you with the skills you need to reach your goals! Our camps are offered in session sets, each session lasting either fifty minutes or one and half hour. Each set starts with a skating and movement intensive portion to provide our qualified instructors an opportunity to place students in a training group (3 to 1 ratio max.) with other goalies of equal ability. Once training groups are established, each student will progress through each station for the remainder of the set with the other members of their group.


 In-Season Fall U8-U15 High Performance 2025 – (15 Sessions)

Dates: TBA

Location; NHTC Langley – Main

Time: 4:00 PM – 4:55 PM.

Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor.

Max: 12 goalies

Cost: $1260 includes tax

Cost for both FALL & WINTER camps when registered at one time: $1890 includes tax.

$1785 Early Bird discount. Code will be valid until September 1, 2024.
Discount Code: PFGS

Please register here to secure your spot: Fall Registration


Holiday Camp – Stick Handling & Puck Play 2025 (3 Days)

This mini-Winter camp will have more than usual focus on playing the puck and having an active stick. From stopping pucks on the boards, passing, to pass blocking, puck retrieval and an assortment of other skills.

Dates:  TBA

Location; Langley Twin, BC

Time: 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM.

Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor.

Max: 16 goalies

Cost: $309.00 plus tax. *Includes PFGS Camp Swag*



 In-Season Winter split into High Performance 2025 – (10 Sessions)

Dates: January 8 – March 12.

Location; NHTC Langley – Main

Time: 4:00PM – 4:55PM.

Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor.

Max: 12 goalies

Cost: $840 tax included

Cost for both FALL & WINTER camps when registered at one time: $1890 includes tax.

$1785 Early Bird discount. Code will be valid until September 1, 2024.
Discount Code: PFGS

Please register here to secure your spot: Winter Registration


Spring Break Mini-Camp – Screen & Deflections 2025 (3 Days)

This mini-Spring break camp will be focusing a traffic management & deflections. Tactical approach & technical skills for stationary screens, flash screens & layered screens with high/low deflections as well as mind set in these situations, having high compete level. Each day will break down a concept bringing it all together on the last day.

Dates: March 17, 18 & 19.

Location; Langley Twin, BC

Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM.

Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor.

Max: 16 goalies

Cost: $309.00 plus tax. *Includes PFGS Camp Swag*



In-Season Spring 2025 – (5-week camp)

Dates: April 9, 16, 23, 30 & May 7.

Ice Times: 7:45pm – 8:45pm

Location: Langley Twin Rinks

Cost: $429.00

Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor


Summer Camps 2025

Elite Camp

This program is designed for those individuals who are pro, college, junior, or future junior caliber goaltenders. Please note that due to the high physical and mental demands of this camp, we ask that all goaltenders show up in peak physical shape. Our paid shooters are Pro, NCAA & Junior level. This camp will have a selection process upon registration. Ratio 3 to 1, limited spots.

Dates: July 21, 22, 23, 24 & 25.
Ice Session #1: 5:00 – 5:45PM – Skating
Ice Session #2: 6:00 – 7:15PM – Saving

Seminar Monday: Hockey Canada – 10 Scoring Chances
Seminar Tuesday: Pete Fry “The Goalie Mindset Guy”
Off Ice Program: 2:45pm – 4:15pm Tuesday & Thursday (Sports Vision).

Off Ice Program: 7:45 – 8:45PM Wednesday & Thursday (Yoga).
Exit interviews: Friday

Where: Langley Sportsplex – Rink 1
Cost: $949.00 (plus tax) *includes PFGS Camp Swag Package*


Female Camp

Diversity and Inclusion – We celebrate all our fantastic athletes and support them in being their best selves. We are excited to host our third female only camp! No sharing dressing rooms, no sitting in the refs room, none of that. We hope to provide just the best experience learning goalie skills including skating, saving, tracking and some playing the puck. This camp will be very similar to our rust removal camp running immediately afterwards.

Dates: August 5, 6, 7 & 8.

Ice: 11:50AM – 12:50PM
Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor
Where: Excellent Ice (15000 54A Ave. Surrey, BC)
Cost: $399.00 (plus tax) *includes PFGS Camp jersey and water bottle*

OPTIONAL Off Ice Goalie Fit: 3:00 – 4:00PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (these sessions are co-ed).


Rust Removal Camp

Looking to get the rust off from an awesome summer, this might be the camp for you before Jr. Elite /Rep Prep! Each session is skilled based, four to five hours long running consecutive days and consists of one on ice session and one dry-land training/Goalie Fit session. Student to Instructor ratio is 3 to 1.

Dates: August 5, 6, 7 & 8.

Ice: 1:00 – 2:30PM
Goalie Fit: 3:00 – 4:00PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (Sharp Shooter Hockey Training).
Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor
Where: Excellent Ice (15000 54A Ave. Surrey, BC)
Cost: $445.00 (plus tax) *includes PFGS Camp jersey and water bottle*


Rep-Prep/Jr. Elite #1

Each session includes modern advanced skill development, decision making while learning how to read plays in dynamic game like drills. Sessions are 1 hour 30 minutes long running four or five consecutive days and consists of one on ice session and one dry-land training/Goalie Fit session. Student to Instructor ratio is 3 to 1. Junior & Rep level shooters.

Dates: August 11, 12, 13 &14 (Monday – Thursday).
Goalie Fit: 2:45pm – 3:30pm Tues. – Thurs (Sharp Shooter Training)
On Ice: 4:30pm – 6:00PM
Seminar Monday: Skills and Tactical

Seminar Wednesday: Pete Fry “The Goalie Mindset Guy”

Where: Langley Sportsplex – Rink 2
Cost: $695.00 (plus tax) *includes PFGS Camp Swag Package*


Rep-Prep/Jr. Elite #2

Dates: August 18, 19, 20 & 21 (Monday – Thursday).
Ice: 9:15AM – 10:45AM

Goalie Fit: 11:30AM – 12:30PM Tuesday – Thursday (Sharp Shooter Training).

Seminars: Pete Fry “The Goalie Mindset Guy”
Where: Langley Sportsplex – Rink 2
Cost: $725.00 (plus tax) *PFGS Camp Swag Package*


Rep-Prep/Jr. Elite #3 (3 Day Camp)

This 3 Day Camp leading into U11 try-outs will focus on the Rep evaluation process on FULL SIZE ice surface, specifically on ice skating drills, shooting drills and the mind set going into evaluations. 16 goalie max. Rep level shooters will be at camp.

Dates: September 2, 3 & 4 (Tuesday – Thursday)
Ice: 5:00PM – 6:30PM
Seminar Tuesday: 6:45pm Topic – Evaluations, the process and how to go about it.
Where: Langley Twin Rinks
Cost: $499.00 (plus tax) *includes PFGS Camp Swag Package*

Registration Form

Note: Pro Formance Goalie Schools reserves the right to reschedule or regroup players according to enrollment and availability. Full registration fees are due upon registration and cancellations are subject to a $100 cancellation fee – as well – any cancellations within 7 days is camp credit only. Our administrator will contact you within 48 hours according to your contact information provided to obtain payment information. Students are required to attend all sessions as no makeup classes will be provided unless authorized by PFGS Inc.

Only a limited number of students accepted per session! It is highly recommended that students book their sessions as soon as possible. All previous schools have been booked to capacity.

    Student's Birthday:

    WAIVER: I understand and I / my child / my ward agree(s) that Pro Formance Goalie Schools, it's instructors, the ice hockey arenas and it's employees will not be liable or held responsible for any accident or loss however caused and agree to release all mentioned parties from all claims and damages. I further verify that I / my child / my ward have no medical conditions that would preclude my participation in any training sessions and that the above mentioned parties will not be held responsible for any medical, dental, or insurance claims resulting from injury. I further understand and I / my child / my ward agree(s) that while in attendance at any PFGS camps photos and / or videos may be taken which may be used for promotional purposes. These photos / videos become the exclusive property of PFGS Inc.