In-Season Training Programs 2025
Continue to improve through-out the season; we look forward to providing you with the skills you need to reach your goals! Our camps are offered in session sets, each session lasting either fifty minutes or one and half hour. Each set starts with a skating and movement intensive portion to provide our qualified instructors an opportunity to place students in a training group (3 to 1 ratio max.) with other goalies of equal ability. Once training groups are established, each student will progress through each station for the remainder of the set with the other members of their group.
In-Season Fall U8-U15 High Performance 2025 – (15 Sessions)
Dates: TBA
Location; NHTC Langley – Main
Time: 4:00 PM – 4:55 PM.
Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor.
Max: 12 goalies
Cost: $1260 includes tax
Cost for both FALL & WINTER camps when registered at one time: $1890 includes tax.
$1785 Early Bird discount. Code will be valid until September 1, 2024.
Discount Code: PFGS
Please register here to secure your spot: Fall Registration
Holiday Camp – Stick Handling & Puck Play 2025 (3 Days)
This mini-Winter camp will have more than usual focus on playing the puck and having an active stick. From stopping pucks on the boards, passing, to pass blocking, puck retrieval and an assortment of other skills.
Dates: TBA
Location; Langley Twin, BC
Time: 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM.
Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor.
Max: 16 goalies
Cost: $309.00 plus tax. *Includes PFGS Camp Swag*
In-Season Winter split into High Performance 2025 – (10 Sessions)
Dates: January 8 – March 12.
Location; NHTC Langley – Main
Time: 4:00PM – 4:55PM.
Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor.
Max: 12 goalies
Cost: $840 tax included
Cost for both FALL & WINTER camps when registered at one time: $1890 includes tax.
$1785 Early Bird discount. Code will be valid until September 1, 2024.
Discount Code: PFGS
Please register here to secure your spot: Winter Registration
Spring Break Mini-Camp – Screen & Deflections 2025 (3 Days)
This mini-Spring break camp will be focusing a traffic management & deflections. Tactical approach & technical skills for stationary screens, flash screens & layered screens with high/low deflections as well as mind set in these situations, having high compete level. Each day will break down a concept bringing it all together on the last day.
Dates: March 17, 18 & 19.
Location; Langley Twin, BC
Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM.
Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor.
Max: 16 goalies
Cost: $309.00 plus tax. *Includes PFGS Camp Swag*
In-Season Spring 2025 – (5-week camp)
Dates: April 9, 16, 23, 30 & May 7.
Ice Times: 7:45pm – 8:45pm
Location: Langley Twin Rinks
Cost: $429.00
Ratio: 3 goalies to 1 instructor